Pursuit of happiness

These past few months have been a huge awakening for me.
I cut refined sugar from my diet (which has made a huge difference!), cut down on my lactose intake as I realized how much it really affects my over all well being, and increased my workout program back to where it used to be!
I have been so incredibly happy. After living on my own awhile, and working full time, I really started to let myself down.. And not go for runs, or go to the gym. Or eat the foods my body needed, only the stuff my body wanted. I gained quite a bit of weight and realized
What am I doing to myself. I’m not even happy being this way, I’m only happy in the moment, and I want MY body back!
So I decided I would take my temple back, and replenish it with nutrients, spoil it with praise when I had done well, and push myself to my limits.
These are a few progress picture over the last few months. All I want is to be happy, and fit. I don’t want to be my old self, where I was working myself to exhaustion and eating very little.. Fighting with calories and starving myself for the days I had one little guilty moment. I want to be the best me I can be!

7 weeks ago


One week ago


Though these may be small steps.. Rome wasnt built in a day. I couldn’t be happier and more proud of myself. 😋❤